According to Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Dir. of Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, illegal immigrant children are probably behind the spreading of a mysterious respiratory disease and the government is very tight-lipped about the disease.
So why would the government be so quiet about a threat to public health?
Click the link below to read more:
Govrnment knows about this c**p ,but the $#%&!@*s are only interested dictatorship !
Some of the stuff you post is completely ridiculous & racist
We don!t know what all they may have as far as diseases …….
Ebola is man made and the US even has a patent for it. Georgia Guidestones. Depopulization. NWO.
Obama is conducting germ warfare against the United States using ILLEGALs and foreigners.
This article is racist
And the plan continues to roll out. Are you ready for the final outcome? Yankee Emergency Preparedness Products & Consultation Services I am!!
No such thing as Coincidence.
Go back to where you came from
The illegals my former employer had working for him kept chickens and rabits in basement. disgusting they were.