According to Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Dir. of Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, illegal immigrant children are probably behind the spreading of a mysterious respiratory disease and the government is very tight-lipped about the disease.
So why would the government be so quiet about a threat to public health?
Click the link below to read more:
Let me guess: Every December 31st your psychiatrist sends you a greeting card that reads, “Happy Neurosis!”
Some believe that was spread by our own gov.
Jeb Bush 2016 !
Maggiedev says:
“the Illuminati were disbanded about 1887 so sorry, who is there to ask..”
Has to be someone else…. NOT me !
Imagine that….
freaking Ovomit, somebody should send him to Africa and get on a plane with an infected person next to him
Let me guess: Most of you people probably believe all that Illuminati c**p too. You probably don’t know that one of the Illuminati’s early degrees, or ranks, was named Minerval – after the Roman goddess Minerva, who the Bavarian Illuminati essentially worshipped; the Greeks called her Athena, the foundress of Athens, whose citizens were noted for their libertarian, free-thinking ways, in stark contrast to the collectivist, lockstep-marching Spartans, who were honored in the name of the Communist-bloc version of the Olympic Games during the Cold War – the Spartakiad. Therefore, the Illuminati’s worldview was absolutely, diametrically opposed to that of the Communists – yet the far right has constantly stated that Communism was the direct descendant of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, wouldn’t have warmed up to Nikita Krushchev if they were cremated together. Therefore the righties are either total idiots, or total liars, or both.
I think not!! He knew and planned for this to happen. get this Traitor out of our government NOW!!!