According to Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Dir. of Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, illegal immigrant children are probably behind the spreading of a mysterious respiratory disease and the government is very tight-lipped about the disease.
So why would the government be so quiet about a threat to public health?
Click the link below to read more:
these human parasites need to go!
Yeah prob. but is their really such a thing as conciquence?
Country is on the brink of Civil war, HOpe he understand that. Declaring Marshall law will start it.
I said months ago, these unvaccinated children were going to bring diseases we have either never seen or eradicated years ago.
It’s amazing the government wouldn’t let even congressmen into see these kids, Drs and nurses were told not to say anything and no one has told us where they have been shipped…pretty fishy if you ask me.
No And most of it could have been stopped by closing our borders
What a coincidence!! Send them all home now!! They’re NOT our problem, we have enough of our own problems to fix first!
STOP them immediately and send them back to where they came from.
What I can not understand is why it hasn’t happened already?I am at a loss as to why he hasn’t taken that step. Could he be afraid of what might happen? Could No-Bama fear the American People uprising to destroy his regime? Well… He had Better fear the Hard Working Amerrican Citizen. Because we will fight to the Death to protect our freedoms.
Napalm em