They come by land, sea and air.
A private airplane was ceased at McAllen airport with seven illegal aliens on board. The pilot, an American citizen, was released while the investigation continues.
In an incident last month, it was reported that each illegal alien was to pay 14,000 a piece to be flown into the interior of the US, away from checkpoints. This may not surprise many, but the cost per person is considerable, so who would fund these people…or perhaps a better question is…who ARE these people?
Hmmm Wonder who’s financing them.
they must be the drug lords
Is obama sending these $#%&!@*hats the money?
Wow….makes ya wounder
Let them build the wall then toss them back over to Mexico
Cartel money is plentiful
See if Mexico give him anything for free
Hell heard it as high as $55k Chicness will pay, middle east gets a break and the funny thing about it is all they have to do is fly into Mexico and head north to the USA by walking, driving or just fly straight in on US air to and from the USA.
Do you mean “seized ” not “ceased”?