The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as Obamacare, has been incredibly dishonest and wrong in so many ways that it is becoming tiresome to review the details of this gigantic scam perpetrated on the American people.
It was clearly shown after the passage of the legislation that consultant Jonathon Gruber knew he was lying about the impact, the cost, and the long-term effect it would have, and that the Obama administration was in on the charade from the start. The jury is still out on whether the damage can be undone and the legislation reversed, but a new report in The Wall Street Journal focuses on one of the major lies that was spun and is now being revealed.
ACA treachery revealed, page 2:
Deport the illegals and obama. We don’t want or need either of them.
A person was laid off work. No healthcare. Can’t afford obamacare because no income,
Get s fine of $500 s month for not having healthcare insurance.
Explain when illegals and refugees and Muslims get it free????????????
You idiots get your head out of$#%&!@*… build a wall
Truth And Action…I think it is 571, and you? test now…
VFq3Dnt (y) start now. ~~>
Thank ad by post: If you like your country, you can keep your country……
We need a leader like Donald Trump.Wisconsin,vote Trump to clean out the bad people and make America great again.
thats ok feel soory democrats we can always raise the taxes.
While our veterans are dying waiting for care what a dosgrace
Obama said it wouldn’t happen, but he is not capable of telling the truth.
Liberals will be history soon and all Their damage will be corrected .
What do all the people who faithfully paid their taxes get?