The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as Obamacare, has been incredibly dishonest and wrong in so many ways that it is becoming tiresome to review the details of this gigantic scam perpetrated on the American people.
It was clearly shown after the passage of the legislation that consultant Jonathon Gruber knew he was lying about the impact, the cost, and the long-term effect it would have, and that the Obama administration was in on the charade from the start. The jury is still out on whether the damage can be undone and the legislation reversed, but a new report in The Wall Street Journal focuses on one of the major lies that was spun and is now being revealed.
ACA treachery revealed, page 2:
It would be much better if it was being controlled IAW our immigration laws!
And a vote for Billary will keep everything just like obama leaves it.
Trump is the
Only one standing up for the American’s we already have no right’s .Donald can not be bought.this is our last chance.
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Sick of that n
Why don’t we all run across the border and do the same thing to those leaches?
Someone in Washington needs to step up and remove Obama/Barry from office.
America great I’m confused
You idiots
Build a wall
You tell me why when they have the anchor baby a place to stay ( if they don’t already ) food stamps , health care and the hospital bill
are all taken care of and always has been ON OUR DIME