The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as Obamacare, has been incredibly dishonest and wrong in so many ways that it is becoming tiresome to review the details of this gigantic scam perpetrated on the American people.
It was clearly shown after the passage of the legislation that consultant Jonathon Gruber knew he was lying about the impact, the cost, and the long-term effect it would have, and that the Obama administration was in on the charade from the start. The jury is still out on whether the damage can be undone and the legislation reversed, but a new report in The Wall Street Journal focuses on one of the major lies that was spun and is now being revealed.
ACA treachery revealed, page 2:
We’re going down fast
COUNTING ON YOU WISCONSIN…..WE WANT TRUMP….Trump Can’t be Bought….Make America Great Again.
Trump all the way.
It’s time for a public hanging for Obama and his useless administration of lowlifes.
“White House Conference Call Reveals Nefarious Plan To Destroy America From Within
White House Conference Call Reveals Nefarious Plan To Destroy America From Within
The call was between a White House task force and 16 members of the Obama administration. According to Payne, they discussed the intention to initially name these immigrant and refugee seedling communities as “receiving communities”. They would then be morphed into an “emerging immigrant community” that would continue to ‘grow like seedlings and need to be in fertile soil’ (words used by the Task Force), eventually overtaking the host nation.
Payne states they even went so far as to discuss having Obama supplant Thanksgiving as ‘Celebrate Immigrant Day’ via executive order. Which would follow history…conquering a nation completely means unseating their culture as well.
Let’s first take a look at the Immigration plans as explained through the media. On November 20, 2014, USA Today’s journalist Alan Gomez outlined President Obama’s upcoming speech about immigration. He wrote that “The president will protect about 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportations. They will not get U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residence, known as green cards. But they will be able to live in the United States without fear of deportation, get a work permit and a Social Security number. They will also be able to travel freely back and forth to their home country.”
The following day, President Obama issued a Memorandum, Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees in which he stated, “…I am establishing a White House Task Force on New Americans, an interagency effort to identify and support State and local efforts at integration that are working and to consider how to expand and replicate successful models. The Task Force, which will engage with community, business, and faith leaders, as well as State and local elected officials, will help determine additional steps the FederalGovernment can take to ensure its programs and policies are serving diverse communities that include new Americans.”
You can find a copy of the Memorandum here, and at no time does it mention overhauling our system or giving citizenship to 5 million illegals living in the United States. It constantly and consistently talks of only “new Americans”. The president also setup a White House Task Force to work with 16 Federal Agency representatives on the plan over the next 120 days.
In Section 2 of the Memorandum, under “Mission and Function of the Task Force”, it states that these agencies will “review the policies and programs of all relevant executive departments to ensure they are responsive to the needs of new Americans and the receiving communities in which they reside…”He goes on to state that “I am establishing a White House Task Force on New Americans….{so} the Federal Government can ensure its programs and policies are servicing diverse communities that include new Americans.”
These cryptic phrases like ‘receiving communities’ and ‘new Americans’ can be explained through the shocking conversations on the White House conference call, which seems to be one of the planning sessions. According to Susan Payne, on the Mark Levin show, there were 16 representatives of Obama’s cabinet present on the call; Cecilia Muñoz, top Advisor to the President and Chairperson of the White House Task Force hosted the call. Ms.Muñoz also served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A longtime civil rights advocate, she worked as Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a radical anti-American organization.
Susan stated that the discussions on the call weren’t centered around 5 million illegals as reported in the media but rather 13-15 million illegals coming to this country as refugees. Ms. Muñoz told the group that illegals will be re-designated as “receiving Communities”. They will be classified as receiving communities and morph into what was established as an “emerging immigrant community” that could grow like seedlings and need to be in fertile soil…(not my words, but the words of the Task Force).
The web conference attendees went onto say that the ‘seedlings’ will mature and eventually take over the host, as the immigrants will come out of the shadows and push the American citizens into the shadows. The White House will be developing a country WITHIN a country. Yes, on the call, they confirmed the new Americans will develop a ‘country within a country’ because these immigrants would not assimilate, but navigate. They will not be part of America; in effect, the illegals would grow as a separate nation, a nation within a nation. Eventually they will become strong and conquer America; Americans will be in the shadows when new Americans take over. This is the transformationthat Obama promised.
Mark Levin commented that this has been in the works for years, and yet, he’s never heard of it.
How would these illegals be financed according to the Task Force? No problem. According to Susan and the conference call, American taxpayers will pay for everything. The attendees on the call indicated refugees will be given cash and medical care. They need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. The White House needs to convince state and local governments to cut these people ‘no interest loans” (like in Sharia law?) with taxpayers dollars so they can pay for their papers. Many older refugees need to “age successfully”, so they will be granted social security.
The plan is clear. Obama is using American taxpayers dollars to pay for their own destruction. And this plan comes straight from the White House.
This Task Force plan creates more questions than answers. Who are these new Americans? What countries will send refugees to us? Where are these ‘communities”? How is Congress going to fund this? Could this be a further extension of the Islamic Caliphate waging war in the middle east, destroying life, liberties and all freedoms? Could this be the plan to bring Islam to the U.S.? Could the 15 million or so refugees be radical Islamics? Could Obama be transforming America into a land of Sharia law?
Getting Islamic refugees into the U.S. in 2015 gives them a year before elections to grow from ‘in the shadows’ to taking over America.
What I do know, for sure, is Americans need to be aware of this plan and openly discussing the ramifications. Our borders are open; we are not vetting those that cross over. In 2015, 20,000 illegals crossed the Texas border, and we have no idea who they are or where they went. There is noamnesty of illegal aliens; this is transforming the U.S., and all Americans should be concerned.”
Give them a taxpayer financed bullet–
Our Veterans many died while waiting for care but illegals seem to have no problem getting it. They fight and many died for our country,what have illegals done?????? You goverment officials should be ashamed.
Donald Trump in 2016 to build the Wall.