Arturo Oleague Martinez, 48, convicted multiple burglaries this side of the border, was captured August 17th by federal agents attempting to enter the US at Laredo. This revolving door of deportation and re-entering seems to be accomplished with some ease, especially at certain points along the border.
what’s the answer to those like Martinez? next page
Put him away for good!
There is no real plan in place to discourage a deported illegal from coming back. When we would send them back across on the day or swing shift. At times they were back in a holding tank on the midnight shift. Yes that fast, Oh the stories I could tell y’all would surprise the m$#%&!@*es.
Only takes one bullet
Obimbo y’all are useless! #!!!!!
You know if you deport these people for just cause and they come back take a finger the next time tell me you’re taking their arm they won’t come back
obama has the southern border open..wide open..stupid ignorant comment father was border patrol..he worked that border he was stationed in last name is plata
Put Him in Prison for life.
Yeap he would be obama son if he had one!!!
Its official, you have no clue about border patrol issues, too much words, no sense at all. Ignorant fools, go and see first hand, dont sit there thinking that you know. You know nothing about this topic.
he could next prez