Donald and Evelyn Knapp, both ordained ministers, have refused to marry a same sex couple in their chapel, The Hitching Post.
Now they face a $1000 fine for each day they decline hold the wedding and up to 180 days in jail.
City officials from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, states that the city has a non-discrimination statute that includes sexual orientation and gender identity, and because same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho on Oct. 15, 2014, the couple would have to conduct these weddings in their chapel.
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If the ministers don’t want to do it then they should just quit the services altogether. Then they won’t have any jail time nor fines!
As far as the couple, why would they WANT to have ministers who don’t believe in their lifestyle to marry them? I would rather have my wedding day be a happy one with people who love us and know we belong together than one where people are against it let alone be the ones to bond them!!
Idaho is a sicko state. !! The state has no right to force them to perform sick weddings !! Send them to the VODOO WEDDINGS !!!!
No way
I dont mind same sex couples being together or getting married. But forcing someone to perform it if they believe it is against their religion then I disagree with it. They could have gone somewhere else to have it done.
Funny how they support adultery, rape, murder, sacrificing and everything else that the bible condones but they choose that one to rebel against lol
Don’t Do ANY Weddings Until THE PEOPLE Vote On This Situation !!! :-//. UNFREAKINBELIEVEABLE !!!
That’s so dumb ! It’s against their religion… That’s like someone telling an Arab not to wear what there religion has them wear ! We wouldn’t do that! So if it’s against someone’s religion that’s ridiculous !!!
Going way to far! In America you can’t force a person to compromise their religious beliefs and convictions. Our government and judicial systems have exceeded their rights and in turn they are the one’s who are compromising America.
So the people that push tolerance and equality are being intolerant and want unequal rights?