Now that the Obama administration has laid down its cards in its attempt to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, light is being shined on many of its past shady acts.
President Obama’s perfidy was especially apparent in the way it responded to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. While many liberals hailed the group when it first appeared on the scene, the White House viewed them as a threat and sought to prosecute Assange and others tied to him. Things became even more tense during the 2016 presidential election when WikiLeaks began publishing emails proving that, among other misdeeds, the Democratic National Committee worked to undermine Bernie Sanders’ candidacy in order to secure the party primary for Hillary Clinton.
Instead of honestly grappling with these revelations, liberals proceeded to demonize Assange as a Russian agent and dismissed the emails as a hoax, despite the fact that they had no evidence for either assertion.
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پريزيدنت اوباما آمريكايي هستند ومسيحي،اما يك انسان خوب وقتي ميتواند تاثير گذار باشد كه ويژگي هاي همدردي وهمنوعي را احساس كند، خودرا در غالب يك مسلمان ،وزردشتي وكليمي در نظر ميگيرد وبا دردها آشنا ميگردد، آنوقت مي تواند چاره ساز دردهاي اجتماعي باشد كه بيمار است وبأيد مشكلات جهان سياست را با شناخت درمان نمود،اگر مسيحي هستيد ،اگر مسيح بود با مردم چگونه رفتار ميكرد؟بايد بدانيد يهودا نتوانست روح مسيح را مصلوب سازد جسمي مصلوب گرديد كه حاكم بروجود روح بود،،،پس پريزيدنت اوبامارا با أفكار خسته خود محاكمه نكنيد،جون يهودا خواهيد بود از ديدگاه مسيح
كه حامي پريزيدنت خواهد بود بخاطر خط ومشي انسانيش،،،مانند آبراهام لينكلن، جرج واشنگتن ،،،،فتحيه يك شيعه مسلمان كه در روحش تمام اديان الهي را دارد وميدانم كه همه اديان بسوي مبدا واحدي راهنما هستند بنام خداي يگانه:فتحيه
They need to be made examples of for our corrupt government!
J Edgar Hoover would not have been scared! Comey needs to go!
Trump needs to help that guy out…risked his life.
if it had not been for him and Wikileaks Clinton may have won.. .perhaps
More proof that obamas administration is completely corrupt.
The true is coming out . Obama’s legacy of hope and change is a disgrace. He is shameless and for me the worst president in my life time.
They are both Enemies of the State and need to be brought to justice for their crimes against these United States of America!
Gee Gay Miller
I would like to apologize to every country that has to deal with the blowback of our country having mistakingly elected a bastard in chief eight years ago. We hope to make it up to you in the future by not electing assholes to the highest office in our land.