One might think that the federal government would have gotten a wake-up call after the widely reported murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by a five-times-deported illegal alien, but this is the Obama administration we’re talking about.
According to a new report, ICE — the agency responsible for enforcing our nation’s immigration laws — didn’t even bother to detain or deport roughly 20,000 illegal immigrants who committed crimes in 2015. They simply released them back into the general population.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers.
Overall, those released into virtually every state and territory of America had a total of 64,197 convictions among them, for an average of 3.25 convictions each, according to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies. ICE also said that the group were convicted of 8,234 violent crimes.
Meanwhile, ICE said that it has also slashed the number of criminals arrested in local communities, according to the Center’s Director of Policy Studies, Jessica M. Vaughan. “In 2015, ICE made 119,772 arrests, or just half the number of arrests made in 2013, 232,287,” she said in her analysis that also included a map of the releases.
The reason: Under President Obama’s immigration policy changes, many criminal immigrants are being ignored even though local police and sheriff have urged ICE to take control of criminals in their jails and deport them.
While some people believe this is yet another case of government ineptitude, many others believe that this is not at all unintentional on the administration’s part. Could this be the latest in a series of attempts to fundamentally transform the United States? Time will tell.
Source: Washington Examiner
Photo: Ice
Deport their asses