Marco Rubio was desperate when he went out of his way to take a swing at ICE. He must be even more desperate now that the agency is snapping back.
Describing the relationship between the agency and Rubio, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council President Chris Crane penned an in-depth account of how the senator treated ICE officers. What he documented was a consistent pattern of disregard and contempt by Rubio for law enforcement and a preoccupation with pushing heavily-lobbied for amnesty bill through Congress. Crane went as far to say the agency was treated “like absolute trash”.
Clearly unsettled by Crane’s disclosure of this information, Rubio appeared on Fox News to slander Crane as a fraud. The GOP hopeful claimed that Crane really wasn’t an ICE officer and insinuated that his allegations weren’t to be trusted because they appeared in Breitbart, which he described as a “conspiracy theorist” site.
Man, imagine if Rubio went as hard after Obama and Hillary as he did ICE and Breitbart!
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Rubio is not a leader he be sleeping at the whtehouse and have othing done
What’s the big deal? Obama lies to America every day for seven years
Rubio is total establishment and Republican Trojan Horse.
what a pos he is turning out to be
Unless Rubio and Cruz coalesce, they will both end up on the dung heap of history as a couple of also-rans. Each is taking needed votes from the other. With one out of the race, the other may have a fighting chance.
Rubie is a nobama wanna be
looks like you pissed in the wrong man’s wheaties!
Here is what Rubio should be concerned about. All the info being leaked about Rubio’s past. Gang of 8, Univision interview with Jogre Ramos stating he will continue to use Obama’s immigration plan, Rubio inappropriate use of RNC credit card, Rubio affair with a lobbyist, Rubio 1990 arrest at Alice Wainwright Park, Rubio connection with gay porn industry, Rubio gay, Rubio gay Foam parties. Rubio gay male dancer. Rubio works deal for his brother-in -law cocaine dealer. I don’t care about whether he is gay or straight but what I do care about is running on a Pro-Christian platform and then these potential contrary situations. It’s all on Google.
Rubio has some knowledge no experience and he is takeing adolescent jabs if you look into his crowed not all of them clapped for him
This is a Must Read! In 1991, at the end of Desert Storm, a 19 yr old US Army Cavalry Scout Private who had just spent 8 months at war sat out on a street at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. He sat there on his duffle bag with his Battalion around him for 4 days waiting for the buses to come and take him to the King Fahad Airport so he could go home. Unfortunately, the politicians of the day never planned for how to bring so many soldiers home after the war ended so there was a shortage of planes. Politicians are great at talking, but terrible at doing. Finally, the buses came, and took the young man to the airport. The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only. Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991, and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him. That Private was me. The Airline owner – Donald J Trump. That is why I will vote Trump. Loyalty for loyalty, respect for respect. Any questions?
Written by Ron Knouse