Rep. Duncan Hunter, a former Marine officer and member of the House Armed Services Committee, is asking to hold the nomination of Obama’s Gay Civilian Army head, Eric Fanning until the Army drops what he considers to be an outrage.
Sgt. First Class Martland is to be involuntarily discharged from the Army by November 1 for confronting an Afghan Local Police (ALP) commander he believed had chained a 12-year-old boy and repeatedly raped him. More of this miscarriage of justice on the next page:
Yes John McCain let’s see what kind of man you really are. I want to see you as a veteran stand up for this soldier and tell the Secretary of the Army that they are railroading this hero and you won’t stand for it.
McCain ou sir better do something.
I say stop the gay nomination period
In Arizona many people call McCain, McStain!
Changing a Country Religion and Customs
I really had to give some real thought on this because being in another mans country! It is sad to no and to see this is going on it go against my up bring and religion. I don’t no what to say or do here on other countries. Have the American people voted to be the world policeman here. Have the American People voted to change all religions and other country customs no matter what if they feel its bad our gross. THE U.S.A THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAS THEIR CONSTITUTION THE BILL OF RIGHTS THEIR CUSTOMS AND STATE LAWS THEY FOUGHT FOR AND DIED FOR. Americans don’t want others coming in and trying changing their laws. The American constitution start with freedom of religion right to bare arm is just a couple amendments we fought and died for.
I don’t feel being invited to a country America his the right fight against their customs. Now on appointed area giving to the U.S. Military as a base on that area would fall under U.S. Military laws.
Does the American people Western World really want too be at war all the time because they disagree with another Country and their countryman’s religion and custom. I personally wouldn’t want my child to die our be disabled for the rest of their lives over another country’s believes. America and Western World his been digging a hole so deep their at a breaking point if they can ever get out of from butting into other country’s business. Should this solider be punched in the U.S. for this NO WAY in the US he is a Hero for the people. But should he be warned being a guest in another country for enter fear in their host country’s customs our religion YES.
PS. If the American people Western World are now claiming they are the worlds one and only righteous and their customs are the only way the Alpha and Omega. Then Please wake up American and Western World your the same as Radical Islam. Radical Islam Muslim they think the same way their religion and their customs is the Alpha and Omega their willing to go to war (OUR TERRORIZE NOW THIS IS WHERE THEIR WRONG). Where both are wrong is going into another Country trying too force their believes. Now that these animals terrorist have come to American and Western World your countries and terrorizing your people rape beheaded mutilated killing your people and bombed your cities through terrorist attacks. They should be kicked out their host country if they refuse use Muslim rules kill them wipe out their blood line in your country.
American and Western World is at war with radical Islam. Should retaliate by using radical Muslim rule book wipe them off the face of earth bomb them until all you can see is sand where a city once stood. The only rage you see is blowing in the wind.
I wrote to McCain for assistance with getting a medal for a WWII veteran (correction, they gave him the wrong award) this veteran blew a bridge all a lone, that kept a unit of tanks from over running the American position!! I received a letter stating they couldn’t do anything!! What a bunch of c**p!!
Its a disgrace in the first place he was put in this position and then do the right thing and get dismissed for it…he needs an apologie from the President and Congress and superior officers that even let this happen to him..
McCain is an anti-American traitor…
And the traitor won’t!