Rep. Duncan Hunter, a former Marine officer and member of the House Armed Services Committee, is asking to hold the nomination of Obama’s Gay Civilian Army head, Eric Fanning until the Army drops what he considers to be an outrage.
Sgt. First Class Martland is to be involuntarily discharged from the Army by November 1 for confronting an Afghan Local Police (ALP) commander he believed had chained a 12-year-old boy and repeatedly raped him. More of this miscarriage of justice on the next page:
McCain. He’ll do nothing. Never trust him.
McCain is just another liberal he talks like one he thinks like one he needs to go get him out of office.
Good luck
Get rid of McCain too! He’s part of a problem.
there is no reason to believe that McCain will act anything other way than being the undercover Democrat that he has been
He will turn his back on him .
Put a real man in charge of our Army,
McCain has degenerated into normalcy!!!