Rep. Duncan Hunter, a former Marine officer and member of the House Armed Services Committee, is asking to hold the nomination of Obama’s Gay Civilian Army head, Eric Fanning until the Army drops what he considers to be an outrage.
Sgt. First Class Martland is to be involuntarily discharged from the Army by November 1 for confronting an Afghan Local Police (ALP) commander he believed had chained a 12-year-old boy and repeatedly raped him. More of this miscarriage of justice on the next page:
We all need to drive this dirt bag out of office along with Mitch McConnell and Obama, how sick and twisted is it for this guy to act like he was a war vet, He is a disgrace to the name Veteran, I would love to punch him in that chipmunk looking face a few times.
Obama if everybody has been paying attention only seems interested in Muslims , The gay community and those coming across our borders against the law , The Constitution !!!
Bull Shannon??
McCain is another Obama flunkie
RINO needs to retire!
Do the right thing John for once.
McCain is a worthless POS that voted for the Iran mess with Lindsey Graham
McCain does not have to spine to stand up to Obama don’t look for any help out of him he should be voted out and sent out to pasture where he can not do any more harm to America
Crusty the Clown w his wife Busty. First Fakes.