George Soros sure has some interesting ideas. His speech at the Brussels Economic Forum on Thursday left many incredulous. Daddy Soros’s speech focused on the struggles facing the European Union and legal conflicts in regards to incorporating the globalist agenda in Hungary. It’s no secret Soros favors socialism over capitalism. And he is too powerful to be forced to beat around the bush when discussing his world visions. But, for many, his latest speech marked a whole new level of political meddling.
Soros is notorious for continually striving to convince the masses of sheep to follow their planted globalist shepherds. So, it’s more than a little ironic to some political watchers that Soros publicly fell prey to the liberal hypocrisy trap while trying to play the victim card.
However, in Soros’s defense, he never expected people to realize the king of covert political operations guise as “nonprofits” and social organizations was just another flailing liberal hypocrite at odds with the concept of logic.
So, how did Soros’s unwittingly derail his own campaign of liberal victimhood?
More information on Soros’s agenda and latest public gaff available on the next page
GEORGE SOROS AND HIS PAL Hillary For Prison – 2017
HE is evil. Just think of all the good he could be doing for the people of the world. Instead he is trying to destroy the free world. That is exactly what is happening in the USA. Backed by his money and desire to be leader of the world. Antichrist!!
And we’re. With you..
He is banned. They wont take him back
Why is this guy still free, isn’t there an international warrant for his arrest? Hard to believe that there isn’t a badass bounty hunter with huge balls finding this guy and giving him to the proper authorities.
Edith Bandion Renfroe What an idiot you most certainly are!
Can’t we just arrest him and send him (and his son) to Hungary?
That makes him a target then right?
Poland and Russia too Edith
Hungary has already kicked him out.