George Soros sure has some interesting ideas. His speech at the Brussels Economic Forum on Thursday left many incredulous. Daddy Soros’s speech focused on the struggles facing the European Union and legal conflicts in regards to incorporating the globalist agenda in Hungary. It’s no secret Soros favors socialism over capitalism. And he is too powerful to be forced to beat around the bush when discussing his world visions. But, for many, his latest speech marked a whole new level of political meddling.
Soros is notorious for continually striving to convince the masses of sheep to follow their planted globalist shepherds. So, it’s more than a little ironic to some political watchers that Soros publicly fell prey to the liberal hypocrisy trap while trying to play the victim card.
However, in Soros’s defense, he never expected people to realize the king of covert political operations guise as “nonprofits” and social organizations was just another flailing liberal hypocrite at odds with the concept of logic.
So, how did Soros’s unwittingly derail his own campaign of liberal victimhood?
More information on Soros’s agenda and latest public gaff available on the next page
Soros pays people to cause trouble
There are no difference between Soros and Orban. Both criminals and have no moral value. Orban never ever represented the Hungarian people. Orban is a true dictator. Orban and his regime killed many people, who said the true. In Hungary there is no Hungarian government for a long time. Everything is deception and lie about history, media, privatization. The countries occupied by Jews have the same problems. As the Hungarians people, like Indians and other old nation, with true history they want to kill them. They work together, Soros, Orban, and the Kazarian mafia szindikatus, because they are criminals. Soros and the Hungarian elite mafia, Pinter, Boross and so and helped Orban to get a leader in 1990s. Orban made unbelievable fortune by corruptio. I am not a good writer. In Hungary presently at least 5 million people has no job and no money to live on the basic level. The Jews media always is on the criminals’side but Orban needs to deceive everybody because next year is voting time. Everybody knows, where there is the NATO that country is lead by the Jews or the global kazar mafia.
Lock him up!
Then we have to fight back
The Jews use the immigration to defeat the original nation’s people to loose their nationality. In Hungary the people defeated the border and not the government. Orban is a muppet of the Jews with own mafia elite and oligarchs. The EU’s Jews help Orban to build an corrupted few oligarchs and to keep the mafia government to steel the houses of Hungarian people. At least 700000 young Hungarian people left the country to work in EU. Everybody knows their goal to kill the humanity and no difference who helps the kazar mafia’s plan for money. They all are the people bought on the money and with their law and lie.
I’m sorry not defeated the border, I wanted to write defended the border the people who lived close to the border. The government later built the fens, much later.
You’re absolutely right ever since Obama was in the White House he’s been plotting this and he’s been getting everything ready to take over the United States but the crazy just cannot see it
Why is this POS, soros still breathing….??
To bad they didn’t take care of him while he was out of the US.
Somebody should snatch his$#%&!@*and give him to Putin for an early Christmas present