While suggesting that Obama has any connections to the spread of Islam will get you called a racist, Islamophobic bigot here in the United States, it seems the rest of the world is a bit more willing to call a spade a spade.
Proof of this comes courtesy of the Hungarian Prime Minister, who claims that President Barack Obama is attempting to flood the European continent with “illegal Muslim immigrants.”
Of course, this should come as no surprise to anyone following the President’s agenda here back at home. While acts of terror have crippled Western nations across the globe, Obama has ignored the threat of radical Islam almost entirely. Instead, he remains obsessed with raising the number of “refugees” the country accepts.
Even bipartisan calls for more stringent background checks have been ignored by the president, which makes the Hungarian Prime Minister’s claim that Obama supports lawless immigration all the more believable.
See the report on the next page:
What’s worse Otraitor is the enemy at the WH elected by democraps who live in the moon or have personal interests.
he is doing the same to America, maybe Europe should do us a favor and take care of the problem
Sound,s like this is some sort of a revelation to this guy . The plan is one world government under Muslim rule .
Ahhh, somebody finally gets it.
I agree he is also a enemy of white Americans
Now y’all know what we’ve been dealing with for the last 8 years.
Obama is an enemy of the USA and needs to be removed
Bama hates us. He just likes to stir up$#%&!@*
It is so obvious…. Clinton was in line to be impeached… President of Brazil was just impeached… German Chancellor is under fire…. I am not afraid to stand right in front obama and ask him where he gets the gall to insult all AMERICANS by launching a program called “jobs for jihadists” … I would then punch him in stomach. …..