In Columbia, South Carolina, a small discipline issue turned into another sick video of propaganda for Black Lives Matter. A black youth during class was asked to hand over her cell phone. The youth dug in when the principal appeared to again give the youth a chance to relinquish her cell phone. At this point, the brainwashed youth saw the light.
What if she denied authority, and created a situation where police would be called to handle her absolutely arrogant and idiotic behavior? Get the cell phones ready students, this youth is going to create fodder for her leftists disease ideals of resisting all authority in all things.
She is the dull witted product of the left, she is their useful idiot.
See this youth’s play at creating another left ideal situation
So you think its proper for an adult twice the age and twice the weight of a child to flip their desk / possibly causing them a skull fracture and injuring the person behind them with the desk and then throw them across the room when do you ever think that is actually proper? And I wonder how many times you were flipped over in your school desk and then thrown across the room in school
When is it ever ever ever ever ever ever the right thing to do for a person twice this girl’s age and size to flip her over possibly fracturing her skull possibly injuring the student behind her with the desk then throw her across the room? Don’t you think you could have just drug the desk out the door and let her sit in the hallway by herself? How many times were you flipped over in your desk thrown across the room for being disobedient in school? And I’m sure glad Rosa Parks didn’t follow that same logic otherwise we would still be lynching niggars in trees wouldn’t we
And you are an uninformed hypocrite. What makes you think this person isn’t a good person just because they stood up and didn’t do what they were told to do by an authority figure? It’s a good thing people like Rosa Parks didn’t do what they were told to do otherwise we’d still be hanging niggars in Trees wouldn’t we
So when you are teaching your kids respect do you flip your chair over possibly fracturing their skull then throw them across the room or do you call the cops and have them do it? And I’m just curious about how many times does it take to flip the desk over and throw them across the room before they learn this respect
And you should be informed instead of just opinionated this girl’s parents are both dead her mother just died recently so I guess she doesn’t have parents to teach her respect like you do you uninformed hypocrite
don’t want any cop around kids with this cops mindset if he was justified in what he did then our police force has sank deep into a chithole
Try being informed instead of just opinionated
This is what we all need to do more of, stand together to help our men in blue and make America great again.
Help Trump in 2016 and he will help US!!!
He deserves a medal and the BRAT and her video taking friend need to be kicked out of school…And does anyone know who is paying for her high priced lawyer????
Main stream media sucks.