The media has raised a heck of a hullaballoo over alleged malfeasance at Trump university, but is curiously mum about similar claims made against an educational institution directly tied to Hillary Clinton.
Officially named Walden University Online and operated by Laureate Education, the online college is so intwined with both Hillary and Bill Clinton that it is colloquially referred to as “Clinton University.” In fact, Bill serves as ‘honorary chairman’ for Laureate Education, a position that earned him $16 million.
While the college may have turned a hefty profit for the former president, it created a lot of headache for the people who actually enrolled in it. Hundreds of reports from former students claim that Walden has repeatedly shuffled department chairs and faculty and altered programs in order to keep them from completing their studies and obtaining their degrees. The resulting delays have led to the afflicted parties being saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
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That’s ok because it’s Clinton but you get a couple complaints about Trump U and he’s every name in the book. I’d take Trump any day of the week over Clinton.
Let’s see the uproar from the media as bad as they did against Trump!!! Hundreds are saying this against Clinton but only a few against Trump yet the media is silent!!! This is a huge injustice against Trump, the people who were ripped off by Clinton and now especially against the people who have a right to know!! Fair and balanced MY$#%&!@*!
Well, it’s Clinton so naturally you’re gonna get screwed!
Well no$#%&!@*Sherlock look at the name of the University Clinton so you know there’s going to be stuffed involved one way or the other
I meant theft involved one way or the other
No need for biased media. Trump will expose this ‘rip off’ and the whole world will know!
What’s goose is good for the gander.
Bernie people have to get paid to show up. The same with Clinton.
Exactly, and theirs has been gouging students for years!!!