If you’ve been following the migrant situation in Western Europe, you’re probably aware of the unrest that’s shaken Germany from both the citizens and the migrants they’re not so pleased to have in their country. As it turns out, they might not have to worry about it much longer, at least in the German State of Lower Saxony.
In the latest twist to befall the refugee crisis, at least 700 of the roughly 4,000 asylum-seekers have “mysteriously disappeared.”
So, where do hundreds of immigrants disappear to?
Because of the number of refugees that haven’t been registered, nobody knows who they are or where they might have gone. This report comes as the Federal Ministry for Labour is now estimating that 300,000 of the refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 moved onto other countries.
Read more about this mass disappearance on the next page.
nope! there out on the streets! they did not disappear!
They probably at the white house
They didn’t disappear, Obama snuck them into the U.S. in the middle of the night.
They might just be coming to a city near you !!
There it is !!!!
ET had them phone home…
I think Obama has them in training camps so when he declares martial law because the Muslim brotherhood, etc., do not want to leave being in control of the U.S.A. government. Obama wants to be leader for life and continue to destroy our way of life. He did promise to completely change our life and distribute the wealth. This is so frightening and could be the beginning of the end for the United States of America. Is there anyone out there listening? Just because people think it can’t happen to us doesn’t mean it will not happen…..maybe people should WAKE UP before it is too late.
Dear Roylene Happy Birthday. Hope it has been a special day for you. Love you