The propaganda war has a myriad of advocates. We have those advocating for open borders, which is just another name for the dissolution of nations and the subsuming of formerly independent countries into a global super-state. Others advocate for gun-control, claiming it makes citizens safer when instead it is just an effort to eliminate resistance to tyranny — and to help with the globalist project just mentioned.
One more piece of evidence that fits in well with the goal of the total control of a population is the push for microchipping of humans. It seems hard to imagine that people would line up for this, but the “ministers of propaganda” who inhabit national and supra-national governmental bodies can be very effective in their efforts to deceive.
For a look at one example of this effort, and what is happening in the US, check out page two.
This is like a movie I heard of. Total government control over every move you make, every aspect of your personal and professional life. Give them an inch, they take a mile. It will not stop there.
They’ve been planning this for years!!!!!! Revelations in the bible warns Christians of this …..the mark of the beast 666. They already have a chip that can be implanted under the skin with all info about a person. I believe it will be mandatory and there will be a one world government and a world leader…the anti- Christ. The anti- Christ is a hater of born again Christians and anyone who denies him or his government. Without the chip…or number you cannot buy or sell. Some will be killed if they do not denounce Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. I joke you not!!! I would not joke about something as serious as this. This is true folks!!! It’s the word of God and God does not lie. We’re in the day of digital technology and everything is happening so fast!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to know the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to come to God confessing all sins and asking God for his forgiveness in the name of Christ Jesus and ask Christ into your heart and start living your life for him. We must repent if we want to go and be with God the father and Jesus his beloved son. I don’t know when this one world government is going to take place…but I feel it’s not too far off from all the things I see happening in this nation and the world. The anti- Christ will make things good for a time and he will say peace….peace….and then all hell breaks loose and there will be chaos in this world as we have never seen in our lives. I don’t want to be here when that happens. May God help us all!!!!!!!!
Please don’t do this!!!!
Fantastically well written and to the point, but sheep to the slaughter.
Pffft please. At least use statistics that are up to date. America is grossly outweighing all first world countries in terms of gun related deaths.
Are you calling Australia a third world country?
Please vote for hillary if you are or if you have family that lives in areas with poor economy, are gay, black, cross gender, disabled, Christain or female. We need the practices / legacy of the obama adminstration to continue. We need hundreds of thousands of refugees who will be supported by the trash American working people. We need to maintain the high level of education and job opportunities obama has brought to the black community. We need to maintain the status obama has brought to the gay, cross gender, alternitive sex groups. We need obamas example and increase the muslim leadership in our goverment to change our country to sheria law. A vote for hillary is the simple choice
The US has the highest gun ownership, but is no where near the highest in gun related deaths. And the countries that have the highest death rates are third world countries. Third world countries are countries that are undeveloped. Australia is not a third world country by the current definition.