The propaganda war has a myriad of advocates. We have those advocating for open borders, which is just another name for the dissolution of nations and the subsuming of formerly independent countries into a global super-state. Others advocate for gun-control, claiming it makes citizens safer when instead it is just an effort to eliminate resistance to tyranny — and to help with the globalist project just mentioned.
One more piece of evidence that fits in well with the goal of the total control of a population is the push for microchipping of humans. It seems hard to imagine that people would line up for this, but the “ministers of propaganda” who inhabit national and supra-national governmental bodies can be very effective in their efforts to deceive.
For a look at one example of this effort, and what is happening in the US, check out page two.
You will be tracked and hunted down like animals. If they see you as a threat, you’re DEAD.
I hope your ready for this. I will never allow any Mark or device on me or my family.
Fkn Idiots
Now that’s just too silly for me! Read the Holy Babble and became a non-believer at an early age.
Revelations has begun
The mark of the beast
I’m not the one getting tagged. All the articles I’ve read about the gun control in Australia is how it’s a failure. And no I’m not a dog, but my lab has microchip in case he’s ever lost or stolen, ends up in the pound. I don’t appreciate you calling me a dog Kim LaMear,
The microchip product code: 666
Are they pets and afraid of getting lost