Science-fiction is now becoming science-fact as things that were once considered taboo or impossible are no longer morally objected to. The laws of nature and God are being broken for the sake of science and the claim that it’s going to save lives! This sounds like a Michael Chriton novel waiting to happen. This past year, MIT Technology did a piece on the subject laying out exactly what’s involved with this process.
Animals are now being injected with human DNA in hopes of growing human limbs and organs on animals for the purpose of harvesting for transplants. But wait, isn’t there a chance that animals could grow more than human limbs and organs. What if we create a chimera? That’s actually far more likely than you’d think. For the sake of science, we could be creating creatures much like those found in H.G. Wells’s The Island of Doctor Moreau. And we all know how that turned out.
Find out how they’re doing this on the next page.
Don’t mess with mother nature. ..
Bible speaks of this!!! Is not a good thing!! If
They do succeed in making a person it will have No Soul No knowing right from wrong just living robot
no, No, NO…if God had wanted to make them, he would have…this is wrong on so many levels
Horrible. Stop this abomination
This is what happens when you continue to vote and uphold liberal agendas and the Democrat party is infiltrated with them!
We won’t be able to tell them from the Liberals and the Democrat party!
I heard about stuff like this years ago. I hope it’s f**e, but with technology and transplant abilities, it wouldn’t surprise me.
That’s not news folks! Old old old story line! People freaked out when back in the eighties a human ear was grown on the back of a mouse and said the same thing. It’s one thing to be christian and respectful to ones neighbors in this world but foolishness and superstitious fear is just that. Come on we’re not living in the dark ages fearful of science and claiming witchcraft. Ummm no I’m not a liberal.
Downright scary.