In the wake of yesterday’s assassination attempt on House Republicans in Alexandria, Huffington Post writer Jesse Benn took to Twitter to lament that leftist “violent resistance” must be more and better organized in order to “work.”
A self-described member of the “intolerant left,” Benn backtracked a few steps after his tweet generated a highly negative backlash.
He then tried to claim his comments had nothing to do with the shooting in Alexandria. However, it was more than obvious that his assertion was absurd on its face.
Learn more about Benn’s disgusting tweets and how Huffington Post has been a haven for loony leftists advocating violence. Details are on the next page.
kiss my lilly-white$#%&!@*
Does this moron even know that now he is a target
Freedom of the press is one thing. Advocating the overthrow of the president is another. Advocating violence should never be urged.
These sobs are domestic terrorists, they will never be organized enough they are idiots, sometimes dangerous idiots, I’m betting within 72 hours of the game called no rules of engagement, they will change that tune.
The lies and deceit that the progressive socialist ideologues promotes is absurd.You have the wrong guy if you think he will quit.This fanatical mindset of the liberal fascist is the reason.The most intolerant people in America are the liberals .They claim their diversity believers.Yet the promote the most horrendous dehumanizing secular political agenda.They have no ethical foundations for there intolerance to opposing opinion.They demean any group
That doesn’t believe as the do .Truly progressive liberal Democrat are the party of hate . These programmed social warriors are fascist in reality. Apparently there is no ability to reason and allow diversity of thought.Truly pathetic .They have placed activists judges progressive Democrats in positions to influence and unethically control many courts. This contemptible action is exposed now . All efforts should be made to eliminate these frauds.
Un American pig
Eric, this is probably the most blatant example of Alinksy Rules I have read. Classic Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” mind control/manipulation tactic: accuse your opponent of what YOU are actually doing. This puts THEM on the defensive instead of you facing your own music. This C**P might have worked in the past but it ain’t workin’ anymore, Saul, baby!!!!!! You too, Eric.
Oh, yeah, and you said “society’s most venerable”. Do you know what “venerable” means?????
I guess there are not enough dead Republicans for them!