The Huffington Post headline read, “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges”. This created quite a ruckus at the publication and perhaps in the Clinton campaign, resulting in the liberal rag to remove the article on Sunday.
A free exchange of ideas in the form of free press and free speech must not sully the good name of the Clintons, if it does, it becomes treasonous speech, and must be removed. Frank Huguenard, a HuffPo freelance contributor, public speaker, and scientist, wrote a piece that threatened the left and Hillary. His research and analysis hit too close to accurate and was removed.
Huguenard made substantive points that Hillary and the Clinton Foundation will be charged with violating RICO laws, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. There is evidence and thus, a subsequent recommendation to the DOJ by the FBI, that criminal activity, in the form of soliciting bribes from individuals, foreign and domestic governments and corporations, in exchange for political, legislative and policy favors, as well as engaging in money laundering.
Read Huguenard’s writing on the next page. It seems that some RICO laws may have been violated if Hillary pressured HuffPo to take down the piece, bribing them with favors if they remove the article.
The$#%&!@*Witch,Hellary Rotten Zeig Heil,go away skank ugly
I want to throw up whenever I see her face….sorry bout that…God forgive me because we’re supposed to love everybody cause he does and we will all stand before him and give account of what we did while on earth whether for good or bad and be judged accordingly….
They are telling the truth
Thay got the Obama phone call. (Take that piece out, even if it is TRUE. )
That is one butt ugly woman..Her husband won’t even touch that$#%&!@*!
If Hillary is not indicted, she will be just like OJ… “Got Away with One.”
Everyone will still know she is guilty. Hillary keeps saying that others handled their emails illegally too. Hillary, If I get stopped for speeding and I tell the policeman that others were speeding too… I guarantee you that I will still get a ticket. Because others did something too, sure does not make it right.
Now even a Liberal can understand this, right?
Protect the elite!
She believes she’s made of teflon and nothing sticks to her. We have to show her and the world that’s not true. HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRISON 2016. Don’t send her to the White House, send her to the BIG house.
I never thought, in my lifetime, I would ever see the press censored. But in Brain dead liberal America, apparently this is happening.