The Huffington Post headline read, “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges”. This created quite a ruckus at the publication and perhaps in the Clinton campaign, resulting in the liberal rag to remove the article on Sunday.
A free exchange of ideas in the form of free press and free speech must not sully the good name of the Clintons, if it does, it becomes treasonous speech, and must be removed. Frank Huguenard, a HuffPo freelance contributor, public speaker, and scientist, wrote a piece that threatened the left and Hillary. His research and analysis hit too close to accurate and was removed.
Huguenard made substantive points that Hillary and the Clinton Foundation will be charged with violating RICO laws, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. There is evidence and thus, a subsequent recommendation to the DOJ by the FBI, that criminal activity, in the form of soliciting bribes from individuals, foreign and domestic governments and corporations, in exchange for political, legislative and policy favors, as well as engaging in money laundering.
Read Huguenard’s writing on the next page. It seems that some RICO laws may have been violated if Hillary pressured HuffPo to take down the piece, bribing them with favors if they remove the article.
the post works for hillary
Of course, Huff post is a**hole buddies with the liberal dems
Why would you do that ?
Karma a$#%&!@*she comming for you$#%&!@*.And the rest.
looks like the fbi is seeking an indictment
Hillary doesn’t donate to anyone but HILLARY.
With Hillary Clinton , corruption , lies, greed, intimidation , extortion , criminality, thuggery, incompetence , cronyism, discrimination , deception , fraud, fascism, nepotism, Anti-Americanism and embezzlement will be rampant , pervasive and unbridled . It will be like when Hillary and Bill left the White House and felt entitled to steal well over $250,000 dollars of government property from the White House–only this time the pillaging by HILLARY CLINTON , BIG donor corporations , her SuperPACs, the supporting media conglomerates, her corrupt contributing Washington establishment elites, her criminal Foundation and those quid pro quo contributors will ransack America ! The darkest, bleakest , hopeless , miserable, crime ridden, sad days lie ahead if this arch criminal and her cohorts of crooks, thieves, psychopaths, sexual predators and fascists are elected ! Wonder if the electoral college has been bought off yet , by Hillary and her mob organization ? BERNIE SANDERS WAS THE VICTIM OF CHEATING BY HILLARY CLINTON AND THE DNC !
I don’t know. Sometimes the truth hurts and it appears they will not “anything” to try and stop these charges coming out before the election. She’s taken in tons of money from other countries into her foundation, many who are saudis.
The media won’t go after Hillary like they DO TRUMP