If you live in the state of New Hampshire, you may have been surprised when you opened up The Huffington Post after the winner of the GOP primary was announced. The liberal organization published a piece of “news” claiming citizens of the Granite State are racist, sexist, xenophobic.
That’s what the Huffington Post thinks you are, anyway, and they’re not bothering with subtlety, either. Rather, they’ve published that slanderous accusation about the state in all-caps type, and plastered it on the top of their front page.
The accusation is a clear swipe at Trump, as neither he nor the Huffington are necessarily friendly toward one another, and they’ve often used similar words to describe the GOP frontrunner.
Now, it seems, they’re extending the attacks to any state that votes for Trump, as well.
The Huffington Post paired the piece with another headline asking “WTF, GOP?”
Well right back at you, Huffington Post.
See the headline on the next page:
trump get s.c. votes bud
Call him what you want, it won’t change who he is.
These communists will call you every name in the book, IF you don’t do what they tell you to do or believe as they believe. Guess what, sticks & stones you communist bastards!
The Post is Trumpophobic
HUFFINGTON is nothing but a lying democrat RAG !!!!!!!!!!!!
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like Obama all over again
F**K the liberals and the communist left! TRUMP WILL WIN and all the scum can prepare for the REAL CHANGE that is good for all Americans, not the freeloading leaches wanting everything for free!
Education from preschool to 12th is free. If you qualify, college is free. Canada can take care of itself. The rest either shot their own foot or are SOUTH AMERICA. Go away!
Huffington Post a filthy POS rag.