Apparently, there is no depth that the Democrats won’t sink to in their desperate rush to smear Donald Trump before the election in November.
While failed presidential candidate Howard Dean is in no place to criticize Trump, the stalwart Democrat has jumped on the bandwagon and heaped scornful comments on the GOP nominee. While this in and of itself is hardly a surprise, the former Governor of Vermont took his criticism one step further and accused Trump of something truly beyond the pale.
Now Trump has been called a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, and any number of other detestable names, but one of the few things he hasn’t been called is a coke fiend. At least, until Dean had his say on Twitter, where he openly speculated that the Republican candidate’s runny nose during the Monday debate might have been due to him snorting coke beforehand.
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bull$#%&!@* he chugged a pepsi
That’s just stupid. Everyone knows Trump doesn’t do drugs. He doesn’t even drink.
Dean and Reid, scumbags who flat out lie about others because they are so pathetic and have no morals whatsoever!
How far will they go ??? Crooked bunch of liars ! Anything for a vote !
She cheated , why aren’t you talking about that. An ear piece, a folder on the podium , and something on her back& leg. That was so rigged, even Holt was on helping her.
Dean is a back stabber and thinks he knows it all
That was stupid. Carbonated water burns like a$#%&!@*
As long as it was from Peru. That cut up Mexican$#%&!@*sucks
I don’t put nothing pass hillary to do something with the mike