The charge was so patently ludicrous that even MSNBC felt obligated to call Dean out on it the next during an interview with the former governor. Pressed by host Kate Snow about the matter, Dean seemed to back down from his earlier comments, denying that he suggested Trump snorted cocaine in spite of obvious evidence (i.e. his Twitter post) to the contrary:
“While Dean said he would never make a diagnosis over television, he said that sniffles like of the sort picked up repeatedly by Trump’s microphone are ‘a signature of people who use cocaine.’
Dean quickly added: ‘I’m not suggesting that Trump does, but—’
‘Well,’ Snow interrupted, ‘you are suggesting it, actually, in a Tweet.’
‘No,’ Dean said, ‘I’m suggesting we think about it.'”
The Trump campaign responded:
“Governor Dean’s comment was beyond the pale and has no place in our important political discussion,” the Trump campaign said to NBC News on Tuesday night.
“On a night where millions of Americans were able to compare and contrast the policies of both candidates, Governor Dean went straight to the gutter and was nothing more than a sad distraction in a desperate attempt to stay relevant,” the campaign added.
Source: Philly
Dean has NEVER mentioned Bill’s nose, ’bout gone from said use since Arkansas days with Roger……
I bet Bill has packed his nose with more ckoe than my truck can carry
From everything I have read, you are correct! 18 wheeler?
GMC pick up…but it wont haul tons of coke like what they were trafficing
They are a corrupt business partnership, and are among the most evil globalist, anti-US folks out there. SOROS the Obama’s, Bushes, all progressives in congress, both parties! I believe they would do whatever to stay in power & for money.
Trump is going to need a massive broom to sweep up this mess
It will take ALL of us to push to get Term Limits, the Fair TAX, do away with the DEATH tax, REPEAL OBAMACARE! Stop illegal immigration of terrorists, PRIVITIZE the VA & allow vets to go to the healthcare facility of their choice, get illegal immigrants & folks who didn’t pay into social security off the rolls, return social Security the money stolen from it! Streamline government & congress cash pots, no lifelong pension for presidents, congress for serving a few years, make congress have the same hosp. Insurance regular folks have, I could go on, but am getting po’d thinking how these hippie low life’s from the sixties have pushed this communist agenda into our colleges, government bureaucracies & into congress! when my husband went up to be cleared to go yo Viet Nam, Bill was off to Canada!!!! My husband didn’t have to go after all, but he was willing! Since 1963 this ALL has gone down………
Dont blame the hippies…it was militant activists like Black Panthers at fault there
Howard Dean is an idiot.
But the Clinton’s do anything they accuse anyone of doN you can bet they are