In typical leftist fashion, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) tried this morning to downplay the fact that the jihadists that killed 12 people at a French satiracle magazine office in Paris for publishing parodies of Muhammad, were actually Muslim.
According to Dean, such acts of violence isn’t condoned by the Quran and therefore these terrorists aren’t Muslim.
Perhaps Dean should actually read the Quran, which advocates extreme violence against women, children and other infidels.
He will need all the help he can get
Lo de CHARLIE HEBDO, en París, al igual que lo del 11 de septiembre en New York Puede ser un AUTO ATENTADO judío-israelita-gringo, con la finalidad de promover mas odio hacia el ISLAM. Y justificar guerras, invasiones, agresiones, etc,
Looney Toons
He’s an idiot
Allways a Idiot Democrat.
Hoppy says:
“Howard Dean is one stupid sonofabitch.”
Howard Dean is one stupid sonofabitch.
Dan Papich I Heard Sel Gomez’s New Sing song On The Radio and Loved The Suttleness Touch To It-Of The song-Uncle olive bear