It’s now legal for men to use women’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities – and vice-versa – thanks to the passing of the Equal Rights Ordinance in Houston, TX.
Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, called it “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”
The ordinance’s stated goal is to eliminate discrimination in housing and employment for gays, transgenders – 14-characteristics in total – including race, ethnicity, age, religion and disability.
Its finally legal to see some ones old lady using the toilet, wtf are they thinking, couple rapes later, then what, dip$#%&!@*s.
That’s just plain stupid.
Just look at those happy IDOITS, the mayor is the biggest one!!!!
Let the rapes begin! Sick!
this country is gone to hell in a handbasket
Moral Decay and Degenerates are Running Rampant Across this Country from this Phony POTUS on Down!! Forcing it to be, Not Only Tollerated, but Accepted, in our Military, the Boy-Scouts, Girl-Scouts, Now in Public Rest-Rooms and Shower-Rooms!! Even the Dept. of Education, Mandating,’ Common-Core Curriculum, with instructions to School Teachers, to Introduce Acts of Homosexuality, Cross-Dressing and even Pornography to students as early as Middle-School Age!! All with the Predication of being,’Politically Correct’!!
trying to encourage more rapes.
Why doesn’t he just take in murderers, Those who commit incest , also all other ,what God labels as sin and dooming those who die in their sins will spend eternity with the loss of their identity… Did you good people know that the most ,and strongest physiological Thing is to call people by their given NAME… When spending eternity in hell dead for all that timeless endless period your name will never be called out… No one will pay attention to you or your problems or needs… This isn’t a mean God doing this to any one, it is a matter of your own personal choice…God does nothing mean in any situation I do not care what you bring up… When bad comes our way even upon the righteous it is because of the Majority who are denouncing God and His will in their lives…Death is a part of all our lives, might as well get used to it…How many have buried your parents, how about a few of your own kids…What of a wife or a husband… It is an appointment unto man once to die and after this the judgment….