It’s now legal for men to use women’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities – and vice-versa – thanks to the passing of the Equal Rights Ordinance in Houston, TX.
Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, called it “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”
The ordinance’s stated goal is to eliminate discrimination in housing and employment for gays, transgenders – 14-characteristics in total – including race, ethnicity, age, religion and disability.
What a bunch or morons!
this is ridiculous woman will not put up with it
Since i’m from there, it & Mayor Porker disgusts me!
I don’t see how this could POSSIBLY go wrong. Keep up the good work and let the freaks come out to play.
What they are not considering, is the risk of TONS of attacks and rapes in the bathrooms! Also, the risk of men being shot by women with conceal carry that are fearful of being attacked.
No they wont. What about females going into the bathroom and men spying on them showering, peeing or dressing? I don’t see how this is going to work at all!
What about the consideraltion of people who do not want to share facilities? Not everone is a Homocexual and proud of it. I cannot believe Texas would allow this.
You are all idiots.
What will these evil people try next?
C**p that means lines at the mens bathrooms now as the woman will back them up too.