It’s now legal for men to use women’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities – and vice-versa – thanks to the passing of the Equal Rights Ordinance in Houston, TX.
Mayor Parker, Houston’s first openly gay mayor, called it “most personally meaningful thing I will ever do as mayor.”
The ordinance’s stated goal is to eliminate discrimination in housing and employment for gays, transgenders – 14-characteristics in total – including race, ethnicity, age, religion and disability.
Wtf. That’s messed up. More people are gonna get raped. If you think as a rapist it makes sense.
look at all the pervs celebrating!! this is houston, folks. home of sheila jackson lee, the moron
Liberal Gay retrogression!
Let The Law Suits begins…..
And RAPE just went up 1000%
Next time, they will hail another legislation, which shall be hailed revolutionary, that of men dressing up in ladies wear, to appear more progressive!
Pretty freakin’ smart. Morons!
Now they get to deal with other women about putting the seat down!
Corrupt lunatics. This is disgraceful and sickening.