The gauntlet has been thrown down. The moratorium of federal funding is entitled the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015.
The measure would de-fund the largest abortion provider unless the company certifies that the affiliates and clinics will not perform, and will not provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion during such period. Read more about this dynamic bill on the next page:
about time they down something right now if tey will vote to impeach dingaling
Now, let’s see what the brain dead senate does.
Abolish PP NOW !!
I agree, defund those murderous organizations, and lock them all away in some dungeon.
Down it Already , and while you’re at it take down my 10,000 Dollar a year ObamaCare
Here comes Obama with his pen. This do nothing Congress never has enough votes to override King O’s veto on anything.
Now Defund those funds for all those Syrian refugees and give the veterans the money they need!
Thank God that the defunding of PP has passed. I’m tired of seeing women use this as a means of birth control. I know my general comment doesn’t apply to all, but I’m sure it does to the vast majority….Instead of an abortion, try using a condom or other means of contraception….js
Hurrah. Awaiting to see how thee other shoe drops! Will Congress on both sides actually stand together?