In their first gathering since the passage of a 1.1 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill, House Republicans gave Speaker Paul Ryan a standing ovation in praise of his effort to pass the bill. If you haven’t heard, the bill provides funding for 300,000 visas for temporary and permanent Muslim migrants. The bill also funds sanctuary cities, illegal alien tax credits, and amended the law to allow for an increase in low-skilled H-2B workers, an immigration expansion globally opposed by GOP voters.
So why the standing ovation? The omnibus bill provided funding for practically everything unwanted by the GOP constituency. However, Paul Ryan has made it his mission to focus the mainstream media on his usual talking points about fixing the economy, job-growth, and raising the standards of the military. What seems more likely is an appeal to the establishment and a refutation to act on behalf of those Ryan is supposed to represent.
Read more about establishment GOP hypocrisy on page 2.
Burn this idiot at the post.
A turncoat trader who aids and abets the evil administration of the antichrist Obama.
this is paul ryan, he works for the president…..color his nose brown.
This man is the best advocate for birth control I can think of. When something like this is allowed to grow into manhood, its time to pause and reflect on what went wrong.
How damn stupid We need Trump bad
F**k you truthandaction.org
F**k you truthandaction.org
F**k you (truthandaction).org
His name is RHINO RYAN piece of garbage hope her never had ambition to run for any kind of any presidential office cause we the people will bury this idiot
This is so wrong!