There are members of our congress connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. And this is not as uncommon as you might think. Take Keith Ellison (D – MN) for example.
He shared last week that it is Islamophobic and unfair for the U.S. to put extra scrutiny on Muslims and value 1 religion (Christianity) over another.
Now the U.S. constitution establishes this country as being both clearly Christian. But in the spirit of Jesus, welcoming to all.
The religion Ellison was talking about earlier is the living embodiment of the atheists of Jesus in the 21st century.
Over 30,000 Jihadists have committed attacks in the name of Allah since September 11th, 2011. Whereas Jesus instructed his disciples to further the kingdom of heaven by telling others of the gospel and helping the poor.
Let’s play a little game called how in the heck have RINOS and Jackasses not gone extinct yet.
It’s basically Russian roulette. Which isn’t surprising considering the left’s fascination with the country. Former Assistant FBI Director, James Kallstrom, wasn’t joking when he said the Muslim Brotherhood had already infiltrated the FBI and the entire U.S. government.
You see 217 house rats, I can’t as much as call them representatives, voted to make it illegal to study how Islam influences radical religious extremism and terrorism. More on this failed bill, who voted against and how this will impact national security agencies and free speech, all on the next page
They’re not suppose to be here ergos they shouldn’t hold any public office, be able to buy real estate, defy U.S.laws, indoctrinate our children and others, tell us what to eat, how to believe, how to dress etc etc….
The descendents of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Read their book it tells them to kill all infidels. That’s any body who doesn’t believe their stupid book.
They are Scary Looking men! Get them out of America, while we still can!
ALL MUSLIMS should be deported………….
There should be no public education in any religion- the is something that should be left to families! I can see religious education in private religious schools – but the families choose to send their children to these!
Carol X Davis Stasiefski I knew it from day one.
We must not give in to there ideology keep america america.
Listen up. I did not pen this, however, I am in full accord with this:
WE THE PATRIOTS of the United States call for the investigation & adjudication of Chuck Schumer, George Soros, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and Michael Moore for disruption of government, attempted overthrow without legitimate cause of a sitting president, and the destabilization of American society and economy for criminally-motivated political and financial gain. we also seek the investigation and removal of all cair members a well know islamic threat to america, and all mosques in the united states,and any group of islam harboring terrorist,weapons,and any training camps committing crimes against the united states, and connections to helping build training camps with terroristic intents to build armies to over throw our government,they must be investigated and closed down,
We also seek the investigation & adjudication of all others in acting and deep-state government as well as the corrupt “news” media-outlets complicit in these acts of fraud, slander and treason, including but not limited to Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Nancy Pelosi.
These political criminals and others following the “Rules for Radicals” playbook are dividing America, delaying job growth and prosperity, and jeopardizing our national security, at the expense of our income, our savings and retirement accounts, our freedom of speech, our ability to find a job, our safety, and our FUTURE.
It’s time to send the “Resistance” to Iran, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, or any country that actually has an oppressive government worth resisting. You live in America, STUPID! Stop whining and count your blessings. George Soros will lead you off a cliff, as he has done in Hungary, Ukraine, and most recently Guinea.
Do you want the study of rags$#%&!@*tell molestation killing you don’t need socket Islam look in the mirror