Between citizen Obama’s Department of Shadowy Endeavors (DSE) and the House Democrats supported by the generous donations of George Soros, it appears that President Trump has been a bit too effective at governing the nation. What else can explain the sudden feeding frenzy surrounding Trump and the science fiction wrapped up in a Russian-hacking of the elections.
It’s all so ludicrous that the possibility of the Democrats ever recovering from their maniacal calls for impeachment and shrieks of “The Russians are coming!” is likely to be unattainable. There are literally millions of illicit dollars mixed up in these multitude of investigations that threaten the ACTUAL national security of this nation. With all the distractions being put forward by these frivolous examinations of fantasy and innuendo, without a scintilla of evidentiary support, mind you, there is, in the words of Dennis Kucinich, a “clear and present danger” of deep state interference that prevents us from being kept safe from enemies foreign and domestic.
The House Democrats (without a peep from the Republican Establishmentariat, by the way) have stepped up their attacks on President Trump and doubled down on the factually incomplete rhetoric in an effort to slow the Commander-in-Chief down in his momentum that he has been building since his trip abroad.
The DSE has been busy affording the willing accomplices in the press all the leaked information they can handle in this effort and Trump’s lead counsel has been running to and fro putting out fires while spokesman Spicer has been handing off questions to the same. It’s sloppy and disjointed, but completely understandable considering that the attacks on Trump have come from every conceivable direction, including from the ex-president himself. Citizen Obama is doing his best both here and abroad to please his master, George Soros.
The House Democrats now have completely gone all in with their chips in the hopes of nailing President Trump to the wall, even at the cost of their own political careers.
Phase Two in their plan to “destroy the presidency, even if the nation follows,” has been initiated. Read the details on the next page.
And the POS that the AG allowed to be the special investigator is an Ovomit boy and will not be independent. He is also bought and payed for by the deep state bastards.
President continue to drain that swamp!
Comey is just trying to cover up his own butt as he is into the unmasking as much as anyone
Republicans stand up. Geez have some balls to stop this none sense. Support our president.
This man should have been ousted long ago and no matter what he says in investigation he is not to be trusted ever again.
cromey has a history of causeing problems with. His credibility is not good he lies on all his co-workers one day he’s a Democrat two days later he’s a republican taking information back to each other he’s causing his own problem he’s caused problems for other people in politics also look at his history this man should not be allowed to testify at all against Trump he was fired it’s nothing but pure retaliation
I’m more concerned with this unmasking stuff and the people trying to overthrow America
He’s a lieying idiot can’t even answer questions asked of him to answer!!!! Thank God president Trump fired him!!! The swamp pigs are getting cleaned up!!!!
Comey is a corrupt lunatic. He goes where he can make himself look good. Even if it’s wrong. Disgraceful!
Trump did nothing wrong but that SOB Obama did so why aren’t they going after him?