After news broke last week that two of the Paris gunmen traveled into the EU through Greece’s refugee program, many states scrambled to shore up the security holes in their own programs. Not Obama. He think his own program is just fine, thank you very much, and he’s not letting anyone change it.
This news is in response to a Republican drafted bill that would impose stricter scrutiny on the Syrian immigrants Obama is bringing into this country. What the legislation didn’t do, it’s important to note, is change the number of refugees America is accepting. It simply makes the vetting process more thorough, more accountable, and more safe. This bi-partisan “win-win” of sorts is proven by the vast majority with which the legislation passed. Republicans and Democrats alike got behind the bill, and sent it forth with 2/3rds of the chamber in agreement.
Regardless, Obama refuses to let anyone investigate the people he’s trying to bring in. It’s an odd stance to have, considering one would assume he’d like the American people to think the Syrians he’s shipping to U.S. have sterling reputations. Maybe the problem is that they do not.
As such, he’s formally threatened a veto, and it’s up to the Senate to overcome his action.
See what the Senate leaders have to say on the next page:
We do not have time to play their mind games any longer. – We are in dire straits – Jefferson didn’t want war with the Muslim pirates but after purchasing a Koran and reading it – he and Ben Franklin saw no choice, “to the shores of Tripoli” – the beginning of American Marines. – we are being seeded with Muslims – ”Hijrah: This is the word for immigration jihad, where Muslims overwhelm a country and assert supremacy by sheer numbers. The concept of Hijrah- Immigration as a means of supplanting the native population and reaching the position of power became a well-developed doctrine in Islam.” Wake-up: The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history. This is no longer just a “refugee crisis.” This is a hijrah”.
This should win the best Meme of the day!!!!
if this bill can get past, then its not hard to get Treasonous Charges and IMPEACHMENT DONE !!!!!
Not well see which Senator votes against the safety of this country !
I love my family. Be careful who you bring into our country. I’m not against refuges just those who wish us harm
I guess he really wanted to test God. Not smart, he too comes under certain authorities and powers, ultimately his maker. Oh well, I’ll say it for Obama: “His bad!”
I agree.
F barack hussien obama
Why does Obama continue to refer to ISIS as ISIL???
Have you wondered why Obama refers to ISIS or the Islamic State as ‘ISIL’ while everyone else around the world calls them by their proper tag ISIS?
We all know Obama and Democrats absolutely despise Israel. We all know from Obama’s own quotes in his book that he “will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. ISIS is also referred to as “Daash”, an acronym for “Dulat al-Islam fi al-Iraq wal-Sham” – “the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria.” LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south.
Obviously you notice Israel is right in the middle of the Muslim Levant. So why does Obama use ISIL when everyone else uses ISIS? It’s because Hussein Obama is sending a subtle, yet loud and clear message to Muslims all over the Middle East that he personally does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation. Obama’s ‘ISIL’ sends Muslims the message that the Levant area is all territory belonging to the Islamic State and the Jews are nothing more than evil occupiers. Obama understands Westerners don’t really make much of a distinction in the terms, but he realizes Muslims in the region most certainly do.
With each passing day that Obama fulfills his stated aim of doing absolutely nothing, the Islamic State grows by leaps and bounds. The ultimate goal, of course, has not changed and will never change.
The ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and eventually the collapse of the United States. Obama HATES America.
Now you know a little bit more why Obama chooses his words so carefully. And now you know the rest of the story…
-Dennis Wrigley
It’s veto proof