After news broke last week that two of the Paris gunmen traveled into the EU through Greece’s refugee program, many states scrambled to shore up the security holes in their own programs. Not Obama. He think his own program is just fine, thank you very much, and he’s not letting anyone change it.
This news is in response to a Republican drafted bill that would impose stricter scrutiny on the Syrian immigrants Obama is bringing into this country. What the legislation didn’t do, it’s important to note, is change the number of refugees America is accepting. It simply makes the vetting process more thorough, more accountable, and more safe. This bi-partisan “win-win” of sorts is proven by the vast majority with which the legislation passed. Republicans and Democrats alike got behind the bill, and sent it forth with 2/3rds of the chamber in agreement.
Regardless, Obama refuses to let anyone investigate the people he’s trying to bring in. It’s an odd stance to have, considering one would assume he’d like the American people to think the Syrians he’s shipping to U.S. have sterling reputations. Maybe the problem is that they do not.
As such, he’s formally threatened a veto, and it’s up to the Senate to overcome his action.
See what the Senate leaders have to say on the next page:
Stand up to the president and do want the people want. Congress is supposed to represewnt the people not the president.
About time somebody stood up to that fool
I another citizen of the United States of America call for the immediate arrest for All the administration of obama hussein Barack and for bho himself
He has proved time and time again to be a terrorist and helping isis isil in the gaining of American weapons . This person is a big traitor and has been in charge long enough. GET HIM OUT OF THE WH.
If you are going to let him stay in Washington, I suggest you take any and all pens away from him so he can’t do more damage.
I, a citizen of The United States of America, am calling for the arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies… If you agree, please copy and repost!!!
I have never agreed with anything this lying Muslim usurper has ever said. It’s not about refugees, I am a former refugee, who escaped slavery from one like Obama wants to be, I assimilated, I am no hyphen/American, I am 100% American, I love my country the U.S.A. I don’t wan’t to change it! I want to preserve it, restore it to the Constitutional Government that’s the envy of all the Worlds people who yearn to be free. These Islamists Obama wants to bring are mostly fighting age men, they don’t wan’t to assimilate, they want to change us, conquer us and impose their incompatible with our values shariah law. Read the Quran and you will see for yourself that’s a Theocracy’s how to conquer through deception (takiyah) brainwashing barbaric satanic handbook. Wise up my fellow Americans from all colors, places and religions who came to this Great Nation of opportunity that once was and stop this lying member of the Muslim Brotherhood from bringing in terrorists, suiside bombers and at the least people who are incompatible with 21 Century civilized values.
I, a citizen of The United States of America, am calling for the arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies… If you agree, please copy and repost!!!
Then came Reid, Feinstein, and Boxer.
Imprison Obama Clinton’s !!!