Remember when Donald Trump had “no chance” at becoming president? Remember when his policies were so controversial they would never make it through congress? Remember when Democrats pretended they weren’t scared that Trump would actually succeed?
All of that seems to be gone now. In an apparent admission that Trump could very well become the next President of the United States, a congressman recently proposed a bill in the House of Representatives that would make one of Donald Trump’s paramount policies goals illegal.
The policy in question is Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens entering the United States. While the bill attempts to make such a ban illegal, even if passed, it would be symbolic at best. If Trump had a congress willing to go along with such a ban, surely they’d be willing to take this law off the books in order to make it happen.
The only thing this bill might accomplish would be to keep Trump from executing his plan through executive order, but considering how harshly Mr. Trump criticized Obama for his extensive use of his executive powers, this route seems fairly unlikely.
See the specifics of this anti-Trump bill on the next page:
He is doing that because our whole government are the Muslim Brotherhood, Hillary will be the next President anyway, by voter fraud, People have no real say in voting , She is corrupt & they will put her in , or Obama will retian his dictorship through fraud
Okay so I agree on 99% of the what you just said. Except the moronic statement “keep making cops LOOK like the bad guys” which is stupid because if you even looked once at a piece of paper with stats on it, you’d see that cops 90% of the time are the bad guys. Sure there are a few instances where they do something just and right. But that is nowhere close to the massive amount of negative they bring. De-escalate a situation? Hell no, just be a complete$#%&!@*to incite more anger. Treat people with respect? No, treat people as if they’re ALL criminals and are worth less than you. Help people?$#%&!@*no, we’ll just arrest people for no reason, murder people asking for help, nd just outright act with lunacy towards people in need. Be respectful to people? No, treat them with hositility and try to judge them. Be careful? Nope, shoot first and ask later, even if it’s a 12 year old child with a BB gun. Relax and do your job properly? No, arrest someone for refusing to put out a cigarette, then strangle her to death in her cell. Beat people within an inch of their lives(and sometimes taking their lives) over the most minor of offenses. Cops stole more property in terms of money than all other thefts in this country. They flat out murdered in cold blood numerous people with literally no consequences. Not trying to sound like a liberal but the guy that got choked to death by cops for trying to break up a fight is a perfect example. Michael Brown deserved what he got though. We don’t need a bunch of overtly violent, psychotic, thieving thugs to steal our tax dollars and abuse us, ignoring every single godamn amendment in the constitution. We absolutely do not need a paid police force. We need a volunteer civil defense unit to protect and patrol our streets. Our citizens, chosen by us, who actually wanna do right and good and keep our communities safe. Not a group of mentally unstable, power hungry sociopaths who only got a job as a cop so they can bully and abuse people. Otherwise, spot on friend. Go Trump.
Judy Gonzales hi … I do not know if the Immigration& Naturalization law of 1980 eliminated the previous immigration laws… Carter was president then, & democrats were total majority … However all elected officials made a vow to protect constitution & country.
Just a reminder, you don’t murder over 1,000 people annually, a good 80% of which are unarmed citizens, lock people in cages for possessing a plant, take people kids away for said plant, work in cahoots with a murderous government, and just LOOK like the bad guys
Oh, and if you believe that the country that consistently steals land from it’s owners, has the highest total number of people incarcerated, and the highest percentage of people per capita incarcerated is the shining example of freedom, you need to rethink your ideals. This country is awful, and numerous things are needed to even make it good again.
Let’s be real
The house better wake their asses up because next election they won’t be there
We the people have the say I think