Remember when Donald Trump had “no chance” at becoming president? Remember when his policies were so controversial they would never make it through congress? Remember when Democrats pretended they weren’t scared that Trump would actually succeed?
All of that seems to be gone now. In an apparent admission that Trump could very well become the next President of the United States, a congressman recently proposed a bill in the House of Representatives that would make one of Donald Trump’s paramount policies goals illegal.
The policy in question is Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens entering the United States. While the bill attempts to make such a ban illegal, even if passed, it would be symbolic at best. If Trump had a congress willing to go along with such a ban, surely they’d be willing to take this law off the books in order to make it happen.
The only thing this bill might accomplish would be to keep Trump from executing his plan through executive order, but considering how harshly Mr. Trump criticized Obama for his extensive use of his executive powers, this route seems fairly unlikely.
See the specifics of this anti-Trump bill on the next page:
Julia I am with you living in a city of 348 homicides so all Muslims r trying to destroy the USA.
after charlie hebdo i see why
Our government is so freakin corrupt…they all need to be fired! Let them spend a month in Germany’s Muslim neighborhoods first
His ban is constitutional. The only way to make it illegal is to change the Constitution.
There are already laws on our books They make any Muslim coming to this country illegally They’re not supposed to be even allowed to Vacation here
We can stop anybody from entering our country we want….
It already is! Do your homework!
Nope we already have a bill that outlaws Muslims, blow the dust off it and read it. Somebody pass a bill that our law makers have to be able to read and MUST read the laws they want to push on the American People.
Shouldnt be too hard, they won’t have to read past the 1st amendment.
that to is illegal. the constitution say you can not ban muslim’s just like you can not make a law that tells you that you can’t. God please make the congress read the constitution. everything the democrats and republicans are looking for is in the constitution. God please help them. you can put a limit or a halt to immagration from any country that is legal and I think that is what Trump is going to do, hell Jimmy Carter did it and Bill-do the Clap Clinton did it to.