Remember when Donald Trump had “no chance” at becoming president? Remember when his policies were so controversial they would never make it through congress? Remember when Democrats pretended they weren’t scared that Trump would actually succeed?
All of that seems to be gone now. In an apparent admission that Trump could very well become the next President of the United States, a congressman recently proposed a bill in the House of Representatives that would make one of Donald Trump’s paramount policies goals illegal.
The policy in question is Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens entering the United States. While the bill attempts to make such a ban illegal, even if passed, it would be symbolic at best. If Trump had a congress willing to go along with such a ban, surely they’d be willing to take this law off the books in order to make it happen.
The only thing this bill might accomplish would be to keep Trump from executing his plan through executive order, but considering how harshly Mr. Trump criticized Obama for his extensive use of his executive powers, this route seems fairly unlikely.
See the specifics of this anti-Trump bill on the next page:
“436 seats in Congress are up for grabs in November. Find out whom is sponsoring this Bill, who votes “Yay”, and vote them the f*ck out.”
Over 20% of Somali Muslim refugees in Minnesota have tuberculous. Remember that disease we had ended in this country. Now the Obama administration and the moronic suicidal liberals in Minnesota are inviting that disease back into our country to kill their children and grandchildren. You Minnesotans are some sick freaks to expose your children and yourself to that. Think about that when you are standing next to one of them in the grocery line paying your hard earned money for groceries while they are paying with a food stamp card also paid for with your money. See the article attached here.
Time for all new Representation.
Vote them out,If they do that just stop it all,nobody comes in.
What is wrong with a tempory ban to ck out Muslims and immigrants of all nationalities comming illegally into the US . It really already is a law u need come in Legally not illegally. I just don’t understand this way of thinking to keep America Safe
Be careful if you want to stop Trump. We the people are going to control this country again when Trump is president. You want to stop him, you will be voted out of office. We are tired of people telling us what we can and cannot have and who to vote for so we will just get rid of everyone apposing him. You are all corrupt anyway.
too bad it is a good idea
All I can add is…..shame on all of you Obama voters
Our tax dollars at work, against us.
Will we ever get out of this mess?
He could be like Obumma and ignore your dumb$#%&!@*