Remember when Donald Trump had “no chance” at becoming president? Remember when his policies were so controversial they would never make it through congress? Remember when Democrats pretended they weren’t scared that Trump would actually succeed?
All of that seems to be gone now. In an apparent admission that Trump could very well become the next President of the United States, a congressman recently proposed a bill in the House of Representatives that would make one of Donald Trump’s paramount policies goals illegal.
The policy in question is Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens entering the United States. While the bill attempts to make such a ban illegal, even if passed, it would be symbolic at best. If Trump had a congress willing to go along with such a ban, surely they’d be willing to take this law off the books in order to make it happen.
The only thing this bill might accomplish would be to keep Trump from executing his plan through executive order, but considering how harshly Mr. Trump criticized Obama for his extensive use of his executive powers, this route seems fairly unlikely.
See the specifics of this anti-Trump bill on the next page:
Ban the Muslim pigs !!!!
Remember, HE SAID a “TEMPORARY HALT ON MUSLIMS coming into America”, NOT A STOPPING!
WHY do you assholes NOT work on repairing this Country ???
With all the c**p going on in Europe and liberals still don’t get it, only when violence knocks on their door!!!!!
Well lets see , Islam is illegal in this country already . we the people don’t want them here . we a have a Muslim in charge of Home Land Security . we have them coming across our boarder everyday . we have a president that is helping them in every way he can . SO do we have anyone left in congress that will stand up and point these things out , or are they all bought and payed for by the Muslims ?.
There’s already a law prohibiting Muslim refugees from coming here but of course the oboma administration don’t adhear to laws
Paul Ryan betrayed the American people. Ryan and Pelosi concocted a $1.1 Trillion dollar bill for 300,000 Visas for Muslim migrants to be used in 12 montjs. Every member in the House seats should be up for grabs and especially those supporting this and those that accepted bribe money for their “yea” votes to pass Fast Track! $200 Mollion dollars was paid out, Ryan pockets $2.4 Million. Everyone should do a search and see if their State Represenatives were involved.
Oh look what I have!!
How about we get a damn spine and actually enforce our damn laws!!
Law 414 enacted in 1952 already bans them! Our lawmakers are too chickenshit to enforce the law!
Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost astutely points out that we already have a law in place that bars the immigration of people who wish to overthrow our government, commit acts of sabotage – including murder – or teach or preach these ideas. Well isn’t THAT interesting? And it’s been around for more than 60 years.
The Immigration and Nationality Act, was passed June 27, 1952 and revised the United States’ laws regarding immigration, naturalization and nationality. It was originally passed to prevent Communists from entering the country, but check out the text and see if it doesn’t apply right now.