The House approved President Obama’s plan to arm what he calls “moderate Syrian rebels” Wednesday.
Arming these Syrian rebels is arming ISIS. When jihadists cross the border their label changes from ISIS to Syrian rebels and vice versa. When we give arms to these Syrian rebels they end up in the hands of ISIS.
Click the link below to read more:
Obama arms ISIS through Syrian Rebels Deception
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stated that the US has made ISIS stronger by being “allied with them in Syria.” Paul stated that “one of the reason’s they’re stronger is that we have been allied with them in Syria we’ve been funding Islamic rebels…to fight against Iranian proxies in Syria, but now, on the other side of the world, we’d be siding with the Iranian Guard.”
Don’t you think Obama would know this? Of course he does! Obama needs a credible threat in order to institute martial law and a totalitarian state. Certainly ISIS jihadists running around our country committing terrorists acts will certainly fit the bill.
So Obama is allowing ISIS to enter our country so he can ultimately institute martial law and a totalitarianism state.
dieser obama ist ein idiot ,warum stürzen die amerikaner ihn nicht endlich .er hat der usa grossen schaden zugefügt .er ist anti-christlich und anti-weiss .er gehört aus den usa hinaus gejagt
fire every politician that voted for it then send them to Syria and irqa first to train them your selves first but no training for any politician that voted for that to pass….
lisahawks says:
“when oh when are they going to get rid of Ovomit??? I can’t handle 2 more years of him left”
His plan to destroy our country continues!!!
This like feeding lions who are fighting with hyeanas in your backyard, sooner or later the lions win and they will attack you.
his plan has almost come to fruition people
when oh when are they going to get rid of Ovomit??? I can’t handle 2 more years of him left
What is a Moderate Syrian Rebel? In My Book, It says” a Rebel, will Revolt against any authority or order. a Person that Rebels! These are Not Law abiding People, People Folks. and We are sending Our Citizens Monies to Them? Amazing!
There is NO such thing as a “moderate terrorist”. The vote was insanity and it will come back and stab America in the back. Everyone who voted “Yea” needs to be removed from office.
This is a big mistake!