As part of his eagerness to change US/Cuban relations, Obama announced on Tuesday that Cuba will be removed from the U.S. State Sponsor of Terror list. But less than a day later a terrorist group that Cuba has long sponsored attacked a military base, killing 10 Colombian soldiers and wounding 17 others.
The Castro brothers are still harboring several wanted members of the group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army.
What else could you expect from that communist toilet?
Obama you are 666
I agree Kenneth
Nukem….problem solved.
Please their are terrorists everywhere an like the old saying a spade is a spade no matter how you disguise them! An all terrorist foreign and domestic should be dealt with immediately by a bullet to the head! If you like your freedom it doesn’t come free nothing does even welfare has a price you sell your soul an children! There is more crime among the welfare receipts then any other person an a person with a job doesn’t have time to be causing problems! So no more free hand outs period!
thats only because you dont like what he is doing but most of us do…thats your opinion
Obama is a terrorist… Always has been
Please you want to bring up something from thousands of years ago! Let me guess you were a slave an want paid for it! Not no one alive today was ever a slave an let’s be real the majority of slave owners an traders were black only 2 percent white an black slave owners worked their slaves to death no chance for freedom so let’s get history straight your people sold you worked you to death! An Obama ancestors still to this day deal in the slave market as slave traders an owners! Know your history before you slam a Christian they fought to free everyone! An anyone knowing the Koran knows that it specifically states that the black pug nose can only be a slave so Muslims are using your people an that are not even smart enough to realize their a pawn in the Muslims war against Infidels! I can not beleive someone can practice a religeon an not know what it really is! But that’s right you don’t really read that book nor know the religeon anymore then you know a true Christian you just spew hate cause you don’t wish to work an make a real life for you an your you want a free hand out like the rest of the free loaders! Quit using events from thousands of years ago as your defense besides christains fought for all to be free! Not a few!
It’s know accident. Not when the dictator is involved
When did he try. I haven’t seen it