As part of his eagerness to change US/Cuban relations, Obama announced on Tuesday that Cuba will be removed from the U.S. State Sponsor of Terror list. But less than a day later a terrorist group that Cuba has long sponsored attacked a military base, killing 10 Colombian soldiers and wounding 17 others.
The Castro brothers are still harboring several wanted members of the group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army.
Obama loves darkness and wants to promote more darkness everywhere he can. He is a very evil man stuck on himself.
Barak is a nut
dumb idea!!
Looks like they cam from a back alley!
Smart move! NOT
Ah sooooo
$#%&!@*ing stupid
America IS at war. obama IS the enemy and obama is WITH the enemy.
This War has been waged openly against America for 6 years, now.
We’re under attack from islam, starting in the President’s office. islam is the an$#%&!@*hesis of America.
obama has been attacking and destroying all aspects of The American Way since the day he started desecrating America and the oval office.
obama disrespects all things decent and American. He is a muslim terrorist on jihad against America.
obama has taken American arms and money and given them both freely to our muslim terrorist enemies. These muslim terrorists are obama’s “muslim brothers” that he THANKS. muslim terrorists that want to destroy us and our country.
obama has repeatedly illegally released muslim terrorist enemies of state, to return to the battle and attack and kill more Americans.
These muslim terrorists are undoubtedly planning another attack on the USA.
obama has placed our muslim terrorist enemies in key intelligence, security and military positions, to $#%&!@*ist them in planning and implementing future muslim terrorist attacks on America.
obama and his muslim terrorist brothers are an immediate and existential threat to America and our American citizens.
And the blame/responsibility for this blatant series of actions of HIGH TREASON fall 100% on the so-called shoulders of the muslim terrorist obama, and no one else.
Further, Congress is allowing us to be decimated by this clearly hostile and aggressive enemy. Through deliberate inaction, Congress is $#%&!@*isting obama and our muslim terrorist enemies in their hostile takeover of America, against Americans wishes.
America is being slaughtered, and NOT ONE SHOT has been fired to defend our country or freedoms.
The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness… and this great country to ruin.
If only America had a MAN in charge, to protect her and her citizens, like Prime Minister Netanyahu or Winston Churchill. A MAN, who protects his country and his people.
Instead we have that Anti-American, Anti-freedom, Anti-Semitic, Anti-America’s Allies, parasitic, sniveling muslim dooshbag, obama, belittling and hurting America and Americans, every chance he gets.
Remember that during the obama reign of hate and racism and anti-Americanism and Anti-freedom and Anti-Semitism and TREASON that obama committed terrible deeds in the name of allah.
obama has failed the entire free world. He is an embarr$#%&!@*ment and disgrace to all humanity.
obama IS A FILTHY TRAITOR that HATES Americans and America – the entire United States, the west, England, Jews, freedom, liberty, truth, justice, The American Way, and all we stand for. He is working to destroy the USA.
Watch Dinesh D’Souza’s obama’s America.
islam is the religion of oppression, murder, torture, atrocities on humanity, sex enslavement, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, lying and goat fuxxing.
You know the difference between a moderate muslim and a radical one? The radical muslim wants to chop your head off. The moderate muslim doesn’t want to chop your head off. He wants the radical one to do it.
The Three Stages Of jihad:
Summary pamphlet about jihad:
Jesus VS Muhammad
obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
obama: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
obama IS ISIS:
He is using debt as a weapon of m$#%&!@* destruction to weaken America as a global superpower, disarming our nuclear $#%&!@*nal AND our entire military, to leave us broken, defenseless, impoverished and destroyed – The next third world country.
THAT is o-BOMB-a’s legacy to America.
He IS a FAILURE – malignant, malevolent and EVIL – and Congress MUST STOP HIM NOW.
I hope that hole you’re digging goes clear to the other side of the earth because your gonna need it to be safe when the $#%&!@* hits the fan.