As part of his eagerness to change US/Cuban relations, Obama announced on Tuesday that Cuba will be removed from the U.S. State Sponsor of Terror list. But less than a day later a terrorist group that Cuba has long sponsored attacked a military base, killing 10 Colombian soldiers and wounding 17 others.
The Castro brothers are still harboring several wanted members of the group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army.
Severly misled sir. Returning military will tell you a different story. Easy to just say things. Tough to support a comment this ignorant. Your hat is talking. Not what is inside of it. Why do you hate America? Money says you are a liberal.
God help us. The entire world is a mess.
Oh yeah i forgot because a bunch of grunts in Afghanistan are gonna know about the cia funded/armed/trained groups in Syria and Iraq.
He ought to have put himself on that list….
Junart Sodoy · Top Commenter · Reconnect Teacher at W.t. white high school
Joint $#%&!@*istant for Deployment and Execution [JADE]
Homeland Eradication of Local Militants [HELM]
Taken from elsewhere on the net (originally posted by SlowLoris).
JADE HELM is not new, JADE HELM is at the end of its exercise. We are just now learning about it just before the trap snaps shut.
JADE is an app
Joint $#%&!@*istant for Deployment and Execution
from the do$#%&!@*ent
JADE (Joint $#%&!@*istant for Deployment and Execution) is a knowledge-based mixed-initiative system that supports force deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and generative planning methods to support the development of large-scale, complex deployment plans in minimal time. JADE incorporates the technology of three tools: Prodigy-$#%&!@*ogy (a combined case-based and generative planner developed by Carnegie Mellon University); ForMAT (Force Management and $#%&!@*ysis Tool) that supports case-based force deployment planning developed by BBN Technologies); and PARKA (a highly-indexed knowledge based management system developed by the University of Maryland).
With JADE, a military planner can build a preliminary force deployment plan, including the Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) in less than one hour. This speed in plan construction is possible because JADE supports the rapid retrieval and reuse of previous plan elements for use in the development of new plans. In addition, JADE employs an easy to use map-oriented drag and drop interface where force modules (FMs) from previous plans (cases) whose force
capabilities and composition match the requirements of the current situation can be dragged from the case library and dropped onto a geographic destination. Plan modification and/or adaption is supported through remindings, e.g., each time
that a force module is created or is copied into a plan (TPFDD) the user is automatically reminded of the need for geographical changes. :Unquote:
“Homeland Eradication of Local Militants”
JADE HELM has been ongoing for awhile. First came the infiltration into key communities and local militias and organizations to $#%&!@*ess the risk. Second came the report and later deployment of the needed military equipment to the local sheriffs and police departments. We have seen the procurement of arms, ammunition, food and water in crazy amounts and then those supplies were delivered to key locations.
The trap is set, all is left is to herd us rats into the trap.
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· 11 · Follow Post · April 16 at 6:15am
Richie Solo · W.T. White H.S., Dallas, TX
I went to white………..what’s your take on all of this?…………
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· April 16 at 10:25am
Junart Sodoy · Top Commenter · Reconnect Teacher at W.t. white high school
Richie Solo Walmart has ties with DHS. DHS used to have this “If you see something say something…” campaign they used to show to Walmart employees. This is the same campaign $#%&!@* used in $#%&!@* Germany where concerned citizens were encouraged to snitch on their neighbors for even the most benign activities. Remember that black guy in the toy section playing with a toy gun who was shot by the cops? Yeah, see something… say something.. caused all that.
Jade Helm 2015 is an exercise where our military forces practice martial law either here or abroad. Normally the Military is allowed to do this on thier own bases but not on American soil since doing so would violate the posse comitatus act of 1878. Posse Comitatus prevents American soldiers from acting in a law enforcement capacity. Such drills were recently legalized b…
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· 16 · Edited · April 16 at 7:42pm
OBAMA loves communism! Thinks he can do it better than they have in the past! He is evil!
This is a SURPRISE ?
Thank you, Donnell C$#%&!@*idy. Lots of good information.
cool soon america will take over here as well with burger joints and lots of money flowing into our country and castro is throwing his whole lifes work down the toilet this should carry into the next century lol the joke is on castro roflmao