As part of his eagerness to change US/Cuban relations, Obama announced on Tuesday that Cuba will be removed from the U.S. State Sponsor of Terror list. But less than a day later a terrorist group that Cuba has long sponsored attacked a military base, killing 10 Colombian soldiers and wounding 17 others.
The Castro brothers are still harboring several wanted members of the group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — People’s Army.
obummer does everything that he can to put the American people in danger
Why the hell do people think he did that?! Terrorists like to $#%&!@*ociate with other terrorists!
Dear Liberal Democrats and Obama supporters : Its people like you that have put America in the perilous position were in today!! Liberal Democrats that bury their heads in the sand and refuse to admit that the ” Black Liberal Muslim Messiah ” is a failure as the Leader and Protector of our country !! He’s divided our country racially with his ” If I had a son ” theatrics and his ” Al Shapton/Eric Holder racebaiting Ferguson tactics “,… every time a black is killed he screams ” racism ” from his pulpit in the Oval Office, and turns loose his ” dogs from hell ” – The Justice Department !! RACISM is the only finding he will accept!! His hatred of the Military is evident everyday as he fires, dismisses, or forces to retire,.. the experienced leadership of all branches of our Military !! Then he wants to fill the ranks with ” ILLEAGLE ALIENS” that are loyal to him !! He has cut and slashed and scaled back our once mighty Military to levels below that of WWII – then he opens our borders and floods our country with illeagles, and gives them food, housing, jobs, medical care, and even drivers license’s – all at the expense of the American taxpayer !! He hands out money daily to countries that chant DEATH to AMERICA,.. as our VETERANS live in squalor and are given substandard health care !! Every night in AMERICA over 44,000 Veterans are homless, hungry, and sleep on the streets they fought to protect !! HE IS A DEVOUT MUSLIM,.. as he proves daily with his actions, or lack of actions, and the vile Anti-Christian/Pro islamic rhetoric that he spews to the m$#%&!@*es during speeches, or televised photo-ops !! He releases murdering terrorist that are responsible for tens-of-thousands of deaths with the stroke of his mighty pen, and he regards the Cons$#%&!@*ution of The United States and the Ammendments there in, .. as suggested rules-to-follow…. If he see’s fit !!! The Islamic Third Reich murders innocents by the thousands daily, and chant “Death to America ” in foreign lands and threaten America and its people with rape, murder, and various forms of barbaric torture… not seen since Biblical times,…. and he refuses to call them what the truly are – barbaric murdering savages from a cult named Islam – they are bloodthirsty TERRORIST’S !!! The fact that he hates ISRAEL is evident in his actions and policies,.. and by sending US Taxdollars to Israel to sway the recent elections away from Netanyahu ……. AMERICA MUST STAND WITH ISRAEL !!! His so called tough negotiations with the nation of IRAN on nucleur weapons, has been scoffed at and criticized by friend and foe alike,… He as the puppet master and John Kerry as his puppet, gave the Iranians everything they wanted, and more !! The Ayatolla procaims it as a total victory over the infidels of the west,.. and his treaty with the SATANIC country of Iran jepordizes our closest allie in the middle east’s very exhistance !! He and his Presidency will go down in history as the most fraudulent and criminalistic lie ever perpetrated on America and its people !!
Obama didn’t kill them. Their blood is quite literally not on his hands. Bush was responsible for more deaths than Obama.
This is back by the Obama regime. They thselves should put themselves on the terrorist list.
Why is this any surprise…
Nice going Obama, now wem will have these idiots coming here to our Country…
I’m Not surprised!!!