Bathrooms are in the news again, but this time, the issue is a deviant who placed hidden cameras in women’s restrooms, which look merely like a coat or purse hook.
Thus far Monroe County Sheriff, in the Florida Keys, has found three hooks with cameras, all in different locations in the upper Keys. A female detective is looking at the videos obtained from the cameras, hoping to identify victims, as well as find evidence that can be used to identify the perpetrator.
The cameras were found at an Anne’s Beach bathroom, a Circle K convenience store at the 99-mile markers and one at Harry Harris Park. Police investigators have asked local business and the parks department to check their bathroom stalls. They are also urging businesses to be proactive in keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
Read more and see these hooks on the following page.
don’t worry–it’s in Florida–no one around here would do anything like that——————————–and get punished
thanks to the dems
Keep dreaming
If law enforcement had cameras in the bathrooms women would be safer.
Common Core was nationalized for this very reason. Soon they will implement these educational policies. “They are waiting to just get in the door”
UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism
Written by Alex Newman Friday, 03 June 2016 18:00 Print Email font size decrease font size increase font size
UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism
A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, and spirituality, the final document declared. The global-citizenship programs, with definitions to be incorporated in curricula worldwide, should also indoctrinate children so that they understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote what the UN and its member governments consider to be the “common good.”
The controversial action plan, approved by the UN’s propaganda department and a group of largely government-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) on June 1 in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, is aimed at helping the UN impose its Agenda 2030 scheme to “transform the world.” In fact, the title of the summit gave away the agenda: “Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together.” As The New American has documented extensively, the UN Agenda 2030 plan, also known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), was approved by governments and dictators last year as a road map toward global control (tyranny
why did they go public so fast, they should have just set up survailence on the camersa, obstruct the views secretly, and just wait for the pervert to come to them ?
Knock them down.
Vivian, I know you go to Harry Harris. Keep an eye out!
Load of c**p pls excuse the pun but Jesus something is seriously wrong with these idiots